A personal website featuring a subcontinental family adventure in India, and other stuff.

Category: Juddy (page 1 of 1)

Losing Juddy

In the purest sense, a seed should only produce one outcome; a single pathway to fully formed fruit. The job of the gardener or orchardist is to protect and care for the young life, get out of the way, and give that life every chance of growing into maturity.

But what happens when young growth has some kind of trauma forced upon it?

That’s how I feel about my teenage years, like my maturation veered off course a tad, and my life from then on, for a long time, was anchored to the experience I had as an eleven year old when a school excursion ended in the worst possible way.

Since then I have grown up with an image burned into my brain of my little brother Juddy floating face down in the water, extremely still.

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It’s not just a story any more

Ever head out to a social catch up and on the way start thinking about who you might run into? There’s that sense of anticipation as we reacquaint.

This trip has been like that for me as we’ve reconnected with people from another lifetime.

Today wasn’t quite that day though.

The anticipation was there, but of a different kind. Today was the day we visited my brother’s grave, overlooking a lake in Ooty, Tamil Nadu.

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